Product Development: Invention Idea
The Intelligent Innovator: Take Your Idea To The Next Level.
Author: Noura Al Masri
Product Development: From Idea to Product
Are you an inventor? A creative person? Someone with an idea but don’t know what to do next? Do you want to develop a new product? Make a prototype? Need help for new product idea - inventors, innovators, startups, businesses?
When you have a big idea, what do you do next?
Bring your idea to market.
The road from concept to finished product can be a long one, faced by numerous obstacles and setbacks by those who travel it often. Armed with the right information and resources, you can put yourself on the path to bringing your invention to market.
Put your IP to work. Earn royalties from licensing your product, IP, and processes to third parties.
Learn to identify licensing opportunities; research and develop strategic partnerships.
Need Quick Market Entry?
Need to buy into an industry or market? Licensing agreements deliver immediate entry with established brands and products. Learn to find the opportunities and negotiate license partnerships to accelerate market entry.
Who is able of coming up with new product ideas?
Anyone, all ages, who buys and uses products.
Through licensing, you will access ways to begin learning about product development and inventing. This model is a good fit for everyone, especially for young entrepreneurs, to bring their idea to market without necessarily having to start a business as the only way, because it is low risk.
Creativity does not have to be with the arts only. As children, we believe everything is possible, especially when we are most creative at age 5.
What is Licensing? You may wonder..
Essentially, it is the renting of an idea. When you rent an idea, the company pays you in exchange for the right to make and sell it. Here, the fun part for you is inventing and being inventive.
This Program is suitable for young and adults.
Designed for creatives, innovators, inventors, and anyone with great ideas looking to develop them.
Learn how:
Protect your intellectual property
Pitch your idea
Protect your idea
Market your idea
Additionally, you will learn about and be guided to your next steps, receive sample templates and documents, obtain valuable resources, learn essential skills, receive sample script, sample marketing material, build a database of network, target the right potential licensee, research strategy, find inventor-friendly companies and more. All in simple steps.
Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
Build a career around your creativity, ideas, and passions.
This Course focuses on getting your product ideas out.
* Confidentiality is a default, but for your peace of mind, an NDA agreement is required before discussing your product idea.
To evaluate your project and find how you can be assisted and to see if product development and licensing is the right strategy for you and to launch your product, book a complimentary 15 minute call or online meeting.
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